Don Vincent
Don Vincent, (1932-1993), a graduate of Beal Art and husband of London artist Bernice Vincent (1934-2016), worked as a graphic designer at London Life, but he was well-known for his documentary photographs of the art scene in London, Ontario. Don’s photographic archive is in the collection of the McIntosh Gallery, Western University, London, Ontario. Don was a avid supporter of the Embassy Cultural House and a regular at Eric Stach's Free Music Unit nights, where he documented the evenings through drawings. The drawings capture the energy and dynamism of the Embassy Cultural House era. A big thank you to Esther Vincent for sharing with us drawings by her father, Don Vincent, done circa 1990 at the Embassy Cultural House. The drawings were done during Eric Stach's regular Free Music Unit performances which were held weekly. Also a thank you to Catherine Morrisey and Eric Stach for providing the names for the captions to the drawings.