Embassy Cultural House: Visual Artists
From 1983 to 1990 numerous artists exhibited at the Embassy Cultural House. These visual art exhibits were just an element of the programming held over the years including music concerts, film nights, performances, lectures, and social events. There was also an irregular tabloid newspaper that promoted and reviewed the programming at the Cultural House. This dynamic community created wonderful energy and a cutural buzz in East London. Here is a list of the artists who were part of this vibrant community.
- Aitken, Eddy: Disarmament Art Exhibit, November, 1983
- Altman, Teresa: International Women's Day Exhibition, Extending a Hand, March 7 - Apil 11, 1985
- Amantea, Gisele: Silent Auction: A Benefit Exhibition, May 11 - June 3, 1989
- Andrews, Jill: International Women's Day Exhibition, Extending a Hand, March 7 - Apil 11, 1985
- Andrews, Stephen: The Body & Society: November 10 - December 8, 1988
- Arnold,Grant: Silent Auction: A Benefit Exhibition, May 11 - June 3, 1989
- Ayearst, Sheila: YYZ "World Tour", May 17 - June 11, 1986
- Bedia, Jose: Siting Resistance: Permanent Installation (a mural on the front of the Embassy Hotel) and Solo Exhibition at Forest City Gallery, September 8 - 28, 1990
- Belanger, Sylvie: Silent Auction: A Benefit Exhibition, May 11 - June 3, 1989
- Benner, Leif: Disarmament Art Exhibit, November, 1983
- Benner, Ron: Disarmament Art Exhibit, November, 1983; Drawings, January 19 - February 14, 1985; Recollections: Five Years of Programming, organized by Ron Benner, February 27 - March 31; Silent Auction: A Benefit Exhibition, May 11 - June 3, 1989
- Benner, Tom: Drawings January 19 - February 14, 1985; The Coves, April 7 - April 29, 1990
- Best, Stephen: Disarmament Art Exhibit, November, 1983; Drawings, January 19 - February 14, 1985; Solo Exhibit, 1985
- Bidner, Michael: Disarmament Art Exhibit, November, 1983
- bissett, bill: February 15 - March 31, 1986
- Booker, Julie: Disarmament Art Exhibit, November, 1983
- Boyce, Sonia: Siting Resistance: Black Artists from Britain, June 27 - July 19, 1990
- Bozak, Bob: Disarmament Art Exhibit, November, 1983
- Brown, John (1953 - 2020): The Body & Society, October 13 - November 8, 1988
- Buchan, David: YYZ "World Tour", May 1,7 - June 11, 1986
- Butler, Sheila: The Body and Society: November 10 - December 8,1988
- Cameron, Heather: e.c: e without the bar is c, February 3 - February 28, 1990
- Campos, Magdalena: Siting Resistance: Recent Work and Permanent Installation (Room 44) in the Embassy Hotel, September 8 - September 28, 1990
- Cardinal-Schubert, Joane: Indian Summer, October 6 - October 21, 1990
- Channer, Grace: Siting Resistance: Recent Work, July 21 - September 4, 1990
- Chrisjohn, Irwin, Eula and Daryl: Indian Summer, October 6 - October 21, 1990
- Clarkson, David: YYZ "World Tour", May 17 - June 11, 1986
- Coad, Wendy: The Body & Society, September 22 - October 9, 1988
- Cosco, Peter: e.c: e without the bar is c, March 3 - March 31, 1990
- Curnoe, Greg (1936 - 1992): Drawings, January 19 - February 14, 1985; The Body & Society: November 10 - December 8, 1988; Silent Auction: A Benefit Exhibition, May 11 - June 3, 1989
- Daley, Cathy: Invisible Stories, The Cook, in the Loung with the Nectarine (After Chernobyl) June 18 - July 13, 1988
- Day, Susan: The Body & Society, October 13 - November 8, 1988; Silent Auction: A Benefit Exhibition, May 11 - June 3, 1989
- De Kergommeaux, Duncan: Cow Paintings, September 15 - October 13, 1983; Silent Auction: A Benefit Exhibition, May 11 - June 3, 1989
- De Soto, Lewis: Solo exhibit, closed August 27, 1986
- de Souza, Allan: Siting Resistance: Black Artists from Britain, June 27 - July 19, 1990
- Denniston, Stan: YYZ "World Tour", May 17 - June 11, 1986
- Destun, Cathy: Disarmament Art Exhibit, November, 1983
- Diamond, Reid: e.c: e without the bar is c, February 3 - February 28, 1990
- Diederichs, Rebecca: e.c: e without the bar is c, March 3 - March 31, 1990
- Downe, Lise: Recent Works, April 13 -14, 1985
- Doyle, Judith: YYZ "World Tour", May 17 - June 11, 1986
- Eeley, Michele: Drawings, January 19 - February 14, 1985 .
- Egerton, Brian: Control-Data, January 21 and by appointment, 1990
- Elkerton, Stephen: Disarmament Art Exhibit, November, 1983
- Fabo, Andy: The Body & Society: November 10 - December 8, 1988
- Favro, Murray: Silent Auction: A Benefit Exhibition, May 11 - June 3, 1989
- Fernandes, Michael: No Sphere, January 23 - February 21, 1988
- ferris, kerry (1949-2016): International Women's Day Exhibition March 3 - March 21, 1984; Drawings, January 19 - February 14, 1985; storm lines, May 25 - June 29, 1985; Silent Auction: A Benefit Exhibition, May 11 - June 3, 1989
- Fones, Robert: Range Maps of Individual Tree Species and Ductus Scripts, November 10 - December 6, 1984
- Forrest, Sharron: Silent Auction: A Benefit Exhibition, May 11 - June 3, 1989
- Frechette, Robert: Indian Summer, October 6 - October 21, 1990
- Garrett, Rebecca: YYZ "World Tour", May 17 - June 11, 1986
- Geleynse, Mara: Disarmament Art Exhibit, November, 1983
- Geleynse, Wyn: Disarmament Art Exhibit, November, 1983; Drawings, January 19 - February 14, 1985; Silent Auction: A Benefit Exhibition, May 11 - June 3, 1989
- Gilboy, Margaretta: International Women's Day Exhibition, Extending a Hand, March 7 - Apil 11, 1985
- Girling, Oliver: Lemmy Caution was a Sculptor, August 20, 1983; Disarmament Art Exhibit, November, 1983
- Glawson, Larry: Orderly Deceptions, May 5 - May 30, 1990
- Goldstein, Sybil: Recent Works, September 20 - October 11, 1984
- Golub, Leon: The Body & Society, October 13 - November 8, 1988
- Gonzalez, Gildo: Recent work from Yucatan, Mexico, October 13 - November 8, 1984
- Gordon, Dave: Recent Paintings, June 4 - July 2, 1983
- Gordon, Tariq Hassan: Disarmament Art Exhibit, November, 1983
- Grey, Jerry: International Women's Day Exhibition, March 3 - March 21, 1984
- Gronau, Anna: YYZ "World Tour", May 17 - June 11, 1986
- Gurney, Janice: YYZ "World Tour", May 17 - June 11, 1986; Interview, March 11 - 30, 1989; Silent Auction: A Benefit Exhibition, May 11 - June 3, 1989
- Guttman, Freda: International Women's Day Exhibition March 3 - March 21, 1984; Silent Auction: A Benefit Exhibition, May 11 - June 3, 1989
- Harrison, Vern: Exquisite Corpse, July 28 - August 15, 1984
- Hartman, John: Invisible Stories: July 16- August 10, 1988
- Hassan, Jamelie: Disarmament Art Exhibit, November, 1983; Drawings, January 19 - February 14, 1985; Silent Auction: A Benefit Exhibition, May 11 - June 3, 1989
- Hassan, Ray: Small Oil Paintings from the Series Opera Buffa, November 12 - December 2, 1983
- Hay, Jean: Disarmament Art Exhibit, November, 1983; International Women's Day Exhibition, March 3 - March 21, 1984; Solo exhibit, August 18 - September 12, 1984; Silent Auction: A Benefit Exhibition, May 11 - June 3, 1989
- Helfand Fern: Recent Photographic Work, July 7 - July 24, 1983; International Women's Day Exhibition, Extending a Hand, March 7 - Apil 11, 1985; Silent Auction: A Benefit Exhibition, May 11 - June 3, 1989
- Heller, Susanna: Solo exhibit, 1986
- Heydon, Betty: International Women's Day Exhibition, Extending a Hand, March 7 - Apil 11, 1985
- Hilton, Stuart: Disarmament Art Exhibit, November, 1983
- Hobbs, Peter: e.c: e without the bar is c, March 3 - March 31, 1990
- Horne, Ethel: International Women's Day Exhibition, Extending a Hand, March 7 - Apil 11, 1985
- Hurlbut, Spring: Installation/Exhibition, November 14 - December 13, 1987
- Hughes, Lorraine: Exquisite Corpse, July 28 - August 15, 1984
- Hyatt, Barbara: International Women's Day Exhibition, Extending a Hand, March 7 - Apil 11, 1985; Silent Auction: A Benefit Exhibition, May 11 - June 3, 1989
- Jeffrey, Jack: Paris Sculptures, October 5 - November 1, 1985
- Johnson, Nick: Following the Heron, September 20 - October 3, 1985
- Johnson, Rae (1953 - 2020): Works on Paper, February 3 - March 1, 1984
- Jolicoeur, Nicole: Works on Paper, June 14 - July 11, 1986; Silent Auction: A Benefit Exhibition, May 11 - June 3, 1989
- Jones, Cathy: e.c: e without the bar is c, February 3 - February 28, 1990
- Kealey, Susan: e.c: e without the bar is c, February 3 - February 28, 1990
- Keeley, Shelagh: Exhibition and opening of permanent installation, Room 31, June 9 - July 4, 1984
- Lake, Suzy, Recent Work, February 16 - March 6, 1985
- Lambert, Brian: Perceptions of Youth, July 7 - July 26, 1984
- Legrady, George, Stock Footage, December 27 - January 11, 1985
- Lutochinski, Robert: Disarmament Art Exhibit, November, 1983
- MacKenzie, Elizabeth: YYZ "World Tour", May 17 - June 11, 1986
- Madison, Jean: International Women's Day Exhibition, Extending a Hand, March 7 - Apil 11, 1985
- Maestro, Lani: Voices from the City, August 12 - September 11, 1989
- Magor, Liz: Voices from the City, June 10 - July 3, 1989
- Matheson, Al: Disarmament Art Exhibit, November, 1983
- McKaskell, Bob: Voices from the City, July 8 - August 7, 1989
- McNealy, Robert: Installation/Exhibition, October 17-November 12
- McKinnon, Ian: YYZ "World Tour", May 17 - June 11, 1986
- Merali, Shaheen: Siting Resistance: Black Artists from Britain, June 27 - July 19, 1990
- Merritt, Dave: One Blind Eye, closed April 30, 1986; Installation/More Profound than Words, September 18 - October 15; 1987; Silent Auction: A Benefit Exhibition, May 11 - June 3, 1989
- Mitchell, Doug: Recent Works, May 19 - June 6,1984; Silent Auction: A Benefit Exhibition, May 11 - June 3, 1989
- Kim Moodie: Signs and Symbols, May 12 - June 2, 1983; Disarmament Art Exhibit, November, 1983; Drawings, January 19 - February 14, 1985; Silent Auction: A Benefit Exhibition, May 11 - June 3, 1989
- Nicholson, Paul: Disarmament Art Exhibit, November, 1983
- Nold, John: Disarmament Art Exhibit, November, 1983
- Ntuli, Pitika: Siting Resistance: Black Artists from Britain, June 27 - July 19, 1990
- O'Brien, Paddy: Silent Auction: A Benefit Exhibition, May 11 - June 3, 1989
- Ortiz, Oscar: Recent work from Yucatan, Mexico, October 13 - November 8, 1984
- Pas, Gerard: Works in Juxtaposition, December 3 - December 20; Drawings, January 19 - February 14, 1985; The Body & Society, September 22 - October 9, 1988; Silent Auction: A Benefit Exhibition, May 11 - June 3, 1989
- Patton, Andy, Solo exhibition, April 1 - 26,1989
- Perusse, Vaugn: Disarmament Art Exhibit, November, 1983; Silent Auction: A Benefit Exhibition, May 11 - June 3, 1989
- Pien, Ed: The Body and Society, September 22 - October 9, 1989; Silent Auction: A Benefit Exhibition, May 11 - June 3, 1989
- Pike, Bev: The Boudoir Series, May 5 - May 30, 1990
- Pikula - Sickle, Wiesia: Disarmament Art Exhibit, November, 1983; International Women's Day Exhibition, March 3 - March 21, 1984
- Piper, Keith: Siting Resistance: Black Artists from Britain, June 27 - July 19, 1990
- Randall, Margaret: International Women's Day Exhibition, March 3 - March 21, 1984
- Rendon, Victor: Recent work from Yucatan, Mexico, October 13 - November 8, 1984
- Rist, Peter: Silent Auction: A Benefit Exhibition, May 11 - June 3, 1989
- Rosner, Thelma: International Women's Day Exhibition, Extending a Hand, March 7 - Apil 11, 1985
- Ross, Nita: International Women's Day Exhibition, Extending a Hand, March 7 - Apil 11, 1985
- Roy, Elizabeth: International Women's Day Exhibition, Extending a Hand, March 7 - Apil 11, 1985
- Rudder, Jennifer: YYZ "World Tour", May 17 - June 11, 1986
- Ryder, Florence: Indian Summer, October 6 - October 21, 1990
- Salloum, Jayce: Disarmament Art Exhibit, November, 1983
- Sawicki-Kutac, Wanda: International Women's Day Exhibition, Extending a Hand, March 7 - Apil 11, 1985; Silent Auction: A Benefit Exhibition, May 11 - June 3, 1989
- Schwartz, Judith: Silent Auction: A Benefit Exhibition, May 11 - June 3, 1989
- Scott, Mary: The Body & Society, September 22 - October 9, 1989
- Simmons, Carolyn: YYZ "World Tour", May 17 - June 11, 1986; Bhopal Story, 1986
- Simon, Cheryl: Silent Auction: A Benefit Exhibition, May 11 - June 3, 1989
- Spence, Jean: Silent Auction: A Benefit Exhibition, May 11 - June 3, 1989
- Spero, Nancy: The Body & Society, October 13 - November 8, 1988
- Strachan, Beth: Recent Paintings, January 8-30, 1984
- Tamblyn, John: Recent Photographs, July 28 - August 18, 1983; Disarmament Art Exhibit, November, 1983; Silent Auction: A Benefit Exhibition, May 11 - June 3, 1989
- Teitelbaum, Mathew: Disarmament Art Exhibit, November, 1983
- Tellez, Eugenio: Invisible Stories, August 13 - September 11, 1988
- Joanne Tod: YYZ "World Tour, May 17 - June 11, 1986
- Van Halm, Renee: Small Works, March 24 - April 24,1984
- Vincent, Bernice (1934 - 2016: International Women's Day Exhibition March 3 - March 21, 1984; Drawings January 19 - February 14, 1985
- White, Jennie: International Women's Day Exhibition, Extending a Hand, March 7 - Apil 11, 1985; Silent Auction: A Benefit Exhibition, May 11 - June 3, 1989
- Wilson, Kate: Invisible Stories, May 14- June 15, 1988
- Wright, Carole: Drawings, January 19 - February 14, 1985 .
- Why, Lotus: International Women's Day Exhibition, Extending a Hand, March 7 - Apil 11, 1985
- Xanthos, Irene: Disarmament Art Exhibit, November, 1983
- Yanover, Shirley: YYZ "World Tour", May 17 - June 11, 1986
- Zelenak, Ed: Drawings, January 19 - February 14, 1985; Silent Auction: A Benefit Exhibition, May 11 - June 3, 1989
- Zits, Johannes: Silent Auction: A Benefit Exhibition, May 11 - June 3, 1989