MARWAN HASSAN is a fiction writer who lives in Ottawa. He was born and raised in London Ontario and studied at the University of Windsor. He has written novels, novellas and short stories, which have been published in numerous Canadian magazines and journals. His fiction has been critically recognized internationally. He presently is writing a number of novellas under the working title of “idiomatic fictions.”
PUBLISHED WORKS (selected list) FICTION 2010 Crinkum Crankum (short fiction), West Coast Line, 65, Vol 44 No 1, Spring 2010, Vancouver, B.C. 2008 Going to Komoka, (short fiction), West Coast Line, 57, Vol 42 No 1, Spring/Summer Issue,Vancouver, B.C. 2005 As the Crow Dies, (fiction), Common Redpoll Books, Ottawa, ON. 2004 The Lost Patent, (fiction), Common Redpoll Books, Ottawa, ON. 2003 Dust Numbers, (fiction), Common Redpoll Books, Ottawa, ON. 2003 Radio broadcasts of short stories from Transferred. Pocket Change (revised text) CBC Radio, Between the Covers. Car Road and Used Book, CFRO 102.7 FM, Vancouver. 2002 Transferred, chapbook, short fiction, Ottawa. 1998 The Carpet (novel), excerpt published in West Coast Line, Spring/Summer 1998, Vancouver, B.C. 1998 The Carpet (novel), excerpt published in Rungh, Vol.4, #1 & 2, 1998. 1996 ACROSSborders, Artspace, Strike Three Gallery, Peterborough, ON., July 1996. 1996 The Confusion of Stones, excerpt, pp.7-20 in an anthology, Making a Difference: Canadian Multicultural Literature, (Smaro Kamboureli, editor), Oxford University Press. 1994 The Carpet, excerpt published in Front, Vancouver, B. C., V. VI, #2, Nov/Dec. 1991 The Memory Garden of Miguel Carranza, (novel), Cormorant Books. 1989 The Confusion of Stones: Two Novellas, Cormorant Books. WORKS-IN-PROGRESS Idiomatic fictions and fables Orient Canal Distant City The Consequences Vestibule, a novel. Sea of Darkness, a novel The Carpet, a novel, excerpts published in various magazines. Hegemony of Computational Culture: a political economy of book publishing. Selected Academic Papers: Paper presented at conference: Tracing the Lines, May 28-31, 2008, Vancouver B.C. 30 May, “Politics of the Imagination” Panel (Several Conference Sponsors including: Asian Canadian Studies Society; CACLALS, Simon Fraser University, etc.) Academic Paper, Fast Neutrons, Slow Neutrons, plenary speaker, English Graduate Students' Free Exchange Conference, Transactions, at the University of Calgary, March 6-8, 2003. Talk, Hegemony of Computational Culture: the political economy of intellectual property, Prof Malik Khouri, Department of Communications, University of Calgary, March 7, 2003. Criticism and Discursive Writings 2003 Trans/mission : African Vectors, 2000-2001 collaboration with visual artist Ron Benner, Public Issue 26 2002 Velocities of Zero, collection of essays on politics and culture, TSAR Publications. Preliminary selections published in Border/lines (Spring 1995), FUSE Vol.XVI, #5+6 (Summer 1993) and in The Toronto Review of Contemporary writing from abroad [formerly the Toronto South Asian Review], Vol 12, #1 (Summer 1993). 2002 Excluded East - Missing Middle, YYZ Mag, September 2002 2002 reCapitualization, critical article on the poetry of Jam Ismail, Open Letter, Spring 2002. 1998 Legal Fictions, article in Mix Vol.23, No.4, Spring 1998. 1997 Matamoros, article in West Coast Line, #23 (31/2) Autumn 1997, Vancouver, B.C. 1996 Material Visions, article in art catalogue,...east of here..., YYZ Artists' Outlet, Toronto. 1996 Restless Mutabilities, essay on aesthetics in art catalogue, published in French, English, and Arabic, La Chambre Blanche, Québec. 1996 Mathematical Fictions, excerpt in West Coast Line, Summer, Vancouver, B.C. 1995 Articulation and Coercion: Language Crisis in Canada, article in Border/lines, Spring. 1994 Chain of Readers, article in Paragraph V.16, #3 Winter. 1993 Children & Social Space:Why Did Derrida Say No?, essay included in art catalogue of Identity Transfers: Jamelie Hassan and Sarindar Dhaliwal. Curator, Illi-Maria Tamplin, The Art Gallery of Peterborough, Peterborough, Ontario. 1992 al-Iraq: Etymology Quite Certain, revised article included in anthology, It Was, It was Not, essays, (Mordecai Briemberg, editor), New Star Books. 1991 War in the Garden of Eden, article, Canadian Forum, March. Selected Reviews of Marwan Hassan's writings in magazines, journals and newspapers. There are numerous citations of Marwan Hassan's work by various writers, critics and scholars such as Gayatri Spivak, Barbara Harlow, Smaro Kamboreli, Scott Toguri McFarlane et al. in various journals, and critical/academic texts. The Lost Patent Haines, Stephen, review, OSCAR, Ottawa, April 2005. West, Rita, Crime in the neighbourhood, Glebe Report, Ottawa. January 14, 2005: p.38. Velocities of Zero Abdel-Shehid, Gamal, One, two, three...colonialism Hassan, Marwan. Velocities of Zero: Conquest, Colonization, and the Destruction of Cultures. Vol 26 #4, Nov 2003: pp.39-41. Haines, Stephen, OSCAR, Ottawa, 2004. Reviews (selected) The Memory Garden of Miguel Carranza Nicola Vulpe, Rootlessness and Remembering in marwan Hassan's Memory Garden, Atlantis XIV 1-2, Spain, (May-Nov 1992): pp.183-200. Matt Hartman, Canadian Book Review Annual 1991 #3032 (1992): p.153. T.L.Craig, Letters in Canada 1991, University of Toronto Quarterly, V 62, #1, (Fall 1992): p.28. William Goede, Little Movies & Ground Zero Writing, Event, V.21, #1, (1992): pp.109-112. John Moore, Strange and surreal ways to wave farewell to summer, Vancouver Sun (Oct 19, 1991). Nicola Vulpe, Facing up to the past, The Ottawa Citizen, (June 8, 1991): p.I-4. Verne Clemence, Exploring the Fascinating topics of death & wills , Star Phoenix, (May 25, 1991): p.C10. Susan Waley, Quill & Quire, (May 1991): p.27. The Confusion of Stones: Two Novellas, selected Helen Pearkes, Cultural Estrangement, 3 books in review, (1992): pp 12-14. Muhammad Siddiq, Al-'Arabiyya #24, [USA] (Fall, 1991): pp.142-43. Karen Halil, Canadian Ethnic Studies/Etudes Ethniques au Canada, Vol.XXIII, #2, (Fall, 1991): pp.163-65. Samar Kadi, Journal of Arabic Literature, XXI [USA] (1991): pp.190-91. 5 Malek Amin, Canadian Literature No.129, (Summer 1991): pp.156-58. Barbara Harlow, Narratives of Exile, American Book Review, V12, #2 [USA] (May-June, 1990): p.20. Cary Fagan, Too long, too short or just right?, Globe & Mail, (March 10, 1990). Bruce Serafin, Books in Canada , (Aug-Sept 1989): p.5. Maureen Eason, A Kind of Living in Sad Lebanon, Vancouver Sun, (July 8, 1989): p.H5 Louis Cabri, Books/Livre, Articles, (July-Aug 1989): p.22-3. Pauline Carey, Born with the Kiss of the Bee, Globe & Mail, (June 24, 1989): p.C18. Mark Gerson, Quill & Quire, (June 1989): p.39. Louis Dudek, Honest View of Arab World, The Ottawa Citizen, (Apr 29, 1989). Banner Image: from book cover, The Memory Garden of Miguel Carranza, a novel by Marwan Hassan, oil painting by Andy Patton, titled, Projection in Their Time, 1986, collection of the Canada Council Art Bank, Ottawa, Canada |